Pushing the Limits: Exploring Cutting-Edge CSS Tricks in 2024 Part 1


The world of CSS is constantly evolving, offering exciting new possibilities for developers to push the boundaries of web design and user experience. As we enter 2024, a wave of innovative techniques has emerged, promising to elevate your websites to new levels of creativity and interactivity. Let’s delve into some of the most captivating tricks and see them brought to life with code examples:

Next-Level Layouts:

  • Subgrid: Imagine nesting grids within grids to create complex, responsive layouts. This allows for finer control over the structure of your content, like having a sidebar within a main content area, each with its own grid layout.


.container {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);

.sidebar {
  grid-row: 1 / span 2;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: repeat(2, 1fr);

.main-content {
  grid-row: 1;
  grid-column: 2;

.sub-content {
  grid-row: 2;
  grid-column: 2;
  • Aspect Ratio Containers: Ensure your images or content always maintain their desired aspect ratio regardless of screen size. This is perfect for maintaining the integrity of photographs, logos, or other visually sensitive elements.


.image-container {
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  width: 100%;
  aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;

.image {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  object-fit: cover;

Pushing the Boundaries of Animation:

  • Scroll-Linked Animations: Captivate users with animations that trigger and evolve as they scroll down the page. Create a dynamic and engaging experience that responds to user interaction.


.hero-text {
  opacity: 0;
  transform: translateY(50px);
  transition: opacity 1s ease, transform 1s ease;

.hero-text.in-view {
  opacity: 1;
  transform: translateY(0);

window.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
  const heroText = document.querySelector(".hero-text");
  const heroTextRect = heroText.getBoundingClientRect();
  const windowHeight = window.innerHeight;

  if (heroTextRect.top <= windowHeight && heroTextRect.bottom >= 0) {

Unveiling Hidden Potential:

  • Custom Properties (CSS Variables): Boost your code’s maintainability and efficiency by defining reusable color schemes, font sizes, and other styles as variables. This allows for centralized updates and dynamic adjustments.


:root {
  --primary-color: #333;
  --secondary-color: #eee;
  --font-size: 16px;

.heading {
  color: var(--primary-color);
  font-size: var(--font-size);

button {
  background-color: var(--secondary-color);
  • Media Query Range Syntax: Fine-tune your responsive design by targeting specific screen size ranges. This allows for more granular control over how your website adapts to different devices and resolutions.


@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px) {
  .content {
    grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);

Beyond the Norm:

  • Web Fonts Everywhere: Don’t limit fonts to text. Use @font-face to embed fonts and apply them to backgrounds, shapes, and borders, opening up unique design possibilities.


@font-face {
  font-family: "MyCustomFont";
  src: url("my-font.woff2");

.button {
  background: linear-gradient(to right, var(--primary-color), var(--secondary-color));
  font-family: "MyCustomFont", sans-serif;

This is just a glimpse into the exciting possibilities that CSS offers in 2024. Remember, these are starting points. Experiment, explore, and combine these techniques to create unique and captivating experiences for your website.

Lumenoid Studios